QUESTION: My dad retired ten years ago, but he never seemed feeble until he fell in March. He was in the hospital for only a few days, but ever since he's seemed unsteady, lacking his normal confidence, and I think it's possibly even causing some depression. Then this morning when I was over there, I noticed a big bruise on his arm, and he finally admitted to having fallen again. Do you think it's time for us to consider bringing someone in to look after him? He would not be happy about it.
ANSWER: Your dad isn't alone. Falls are one of the leading causes of decline in seniors, and for many reasons. Blood can pool in cavities, causing unseen problems, not to mention the resulting disorientation and sometimes incapacitation.
It's also common that he fell soon after the first incident. Falls often result in frailty, increasing the likelihood of falling again. It's crucial for falls to be dealt with promptly to prevent complications developing. That's why having a care provider around can be such a lifesaver.
It would definitely be a good idea for you to check on him quite often, daily if possible. If that's difficult for you, then a caregiver would be a great idea. And it wouldn't have to be someone hovering over him, making him feel like an infant.
Person-centered care means adapting custom care to the needs of the individual, whether that means comprehensive help with feeding and hygiene, or simply someone to drop by and make sure the individual is well, happy, and social. If that means just walking to the mailbox with him as a friendly visit once a day, checking to make sure his hospital meds are being taken properly, person-centered care can make that happen.
If you or your family can do that for him, that's probably best. When that's not possible, Cura for Care exists to help seniors and their families enjoy a happy, healthy, active lifestyle, so if we can be of service to you, please give us a call at 615-522-5265.