Whether you work for a household or an executive, chances are as a personal or executive assistant, you know you could help your employer better IF ONLY.
"If only he knew I can type three times faster than he can..."
"If only she'd let me organize her car..."
"If only I knew whether they want me to mention the junk drawer..."
Especially if your boss has never had an assistant before, you may feel underused. If you're the meek and quiet type, it can feel invasive to venture into areas where you've not been invited.
Except that's your job.
Your job is to ease their load. If you've been blessed with an unusual knack for organization and they dwell in clutter canyon, have you considered that you might be here for such a time as this? That your expertise, even if they haven't asked for it, could change their world for the better?
Instead of viewing your urge to offer your expertise as INTRUSION, think of it as INITIATIVE. No, you surely don't need to swoop in while he's out of town and transform his office into a nightmare of fastidious files.
So how do you introduce the part of you that wants so badly to help but hasn't been invited? How do you offer assistance without being judgmental where your boss is weak?
How do you offer to help without being mean?
Just do it.
MAIN THING: rather than directly addressing their weakness, talk about your crazy desire to practice your gift of ____________.
• Rather than mention his snail-paced typing while he's typing, catch him at a time when he's working on something else and offer to type something you know will need to be typed. Let him see your ability without having to say a word.
• If your stomach turns at the thought of her getting in the kitchen again, ask if you can fix something for her while she's busy elsewhere. Create your best recipe once you have an idea of the family's likes, and even if she's said she prefers to do the cooking, show her what she's missing.
• If the place is a mess, rather than mention the obvious, pick one thing that's very visible and could be a great improvement, and ask if you can try something you learned with it. Transform it and then give them credit for allowing you liberty with it. When they feel ownership of the choice they made in giving you free reign, chances are the next time you ask it'll be easier for them to relinquish control.
Just don't get too power-mad too soon. Clutterbugs need their clutter. :)
If you're interested in learning more about becoming an assistant, or you think you could benefit from hiring a professional, dependable executive or personal assistant in Middle Tennessee, call us now at 615-522-5265 or email info@pps-cura.com.